BCIL coordinated the implementation of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP). This project was executed by Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) and supported by UNDP/GEF (2000-2008)

MoEF had accessed funds (US$ 1 million) from UNDP/GEF for the preparation of India’s NBSAP in the year 2000. The project was executed using a unique decentralized and participatory process. The administrative and financial coordination of the project was entrusted to BCIL by signing a tripartite MoU among UNDP, MoEF and BCIL. The Technical and Policy Core Group (TPCG) established for technical coordination had 15 members from different parts of India, with expertise and experience in various fields. A National Steering Committee with Additional Secretary, MoEF as the Chairman and representatives from eight central government ministries, the Planning Commission, UNDP, and four NGO experts provided overall guidance at all the level coordinating agencies appointed and were set up with a BCIL officer as the Member Secretary.

The project involved the preparation of 74 BSAPs for 33 states, 10 eco-regions, 13 themes and 18 sub-state sites. All these reports were used for preparing the National Action Plan. The preparation of these 74 plans by designated agencies involved methods such as public hearing, marches, festivals, workshops etc. and participation of stakeholders from various strata of society. BCIL coordinated with all the 74 agencies and in addition with various experts who were assigned varying responsibilities such as preparation of sub-thematic papers, technical reports etc.

At the national level, BCIL organized three major events to take stock of the project during the initial four year implementation of the project in addition to over 25 meetings of TPCG, 5 regional workshops, 5 steering committee meetings, and five expert groups meetings. BCIL also organized tripartite meetings as per the UNDP requirements.

Major services provided by BCIL included:

  • Organizing meetings of Steering Committee, TPCG, Thematic Coordinators, Tripartite Review Meetings (a total of more than 40 such meetings were organized).
  • Organizing national and regional level workshops (8 workshops)
  • Assisting MoEF in selection and finalization of executing agencies at various levels and meeting all the day to day requirements with them.
  • Preparing regular interaction with designated government, non-government, and community based organized.
  • Complying with the requirements related to reporting of progress of the project to MoEF and UNDP
  • Complying with the financial and audit requirements of the projects as per UNDP guidelines including preparing proposed cost estimates for accounting budget revisions and request for disbursement, detailed records of all expenses incurred (in accordance with GOI and UNDP procedures), facilitation of audit by UNDP designated auditors etc.
  • Printing of all the documents like concept papers, guidelines, proceedings during the process and their distribution/circulation to the executing agencies and other stakeholders.
  • Coordination with executing agencies and other experts for submission of their reports and regular reporting of the activities undertaken.