The focus of BCIL’s Information services division is to disseminate commercially relevant information to the biotech stakeholders through various newsletters and regular updates. BCIL is also the Distributed Information Sub Center (DISC) of DBT dedicated to dissemination of commercially relevant biotech information since more than 25 years. The activities of division are as follows :

Bringing out periodicals for providing information on technology leads and innovative developments such as :

  • BCIL newsletter (Bi-monthly)
  • Biotech Bulletin (Bi-monthly)
  • The South Asia Biosafety Program (SABP) Newsletter (Monthly)
  • Biosafety Newsletters (quarterly)
  • BCIL Biotech weekly update
  • Information on funding schemes
  • Information on fellowships & awards

II Organisation of technical workshops and training programmes regularly on wide range of topics i.e. bioentrepreneurship, grant writing, IP management, regulatory issues etc.

One Annual workshop is organized by the center on “Issues related to “Commercialization of Biotechnology” since its inception. The topics of workshop for the last five years are as follows :

  1. Key issues in Commercialization of Biotechnology, organized on March 3, 2014
  2. Opportunities and Challenges in Commercialization of Biotechnology, organized on February 25, 2015
  3. Creating and Sustaining Successful Bio enterprises, organized on February 23, 2016
  4. Technology and Innovation Management : Key to Effective Commercialization organized on February 21, 2017
  5. Bioentrepreneurship Development New Delhi on February 27, 2018

In the other programmes organized by the parent organization, which are also supported by DISC, the manpower trained includes EDPs (>1000), IPR and grant writing (>1000), and sensitization and awareness on diverse biotechnology topics (>10000)

III Management of Web-based online programmes : The Center is assisting the parent organization in uploading information and in maintenance of following websites/portals

BCIL website

DBT-CTEP website

DBT Biosafety website

Web based database IGMORIS for DBT

GEF- World Bank Website for MoEF& CC(

Created website for National Certification Systems for Tissue Culture Raised Plants (NCS-TCP), ( a DBT programme. The site is now hosted on NIC cloud

Portal for review of mechanisms & protocols of teaching (PROMPT) under HRD programme of DBT

Online monitoring and management of software programme for Biotech Industrial

Training Programme (BITP)

ICAR Biosafety Portal

E-Learning Modules

IV Biotech club of BCIL has members from industry, research institutions, universities and individual experts. The Biotech Club of BCIL being managed by DISC are kept updated on the latest information in every field of biotechnology. The membership is open to all. The facilities provided to members of BCIL Club through regular e-mailers are as follows :

  • Free supply of BCIL periodicals:
    • Biotech News updates (Weekly)
    • The South Asia Biosafety Program (SABP) Newsletter (Monthly)
    • Biotech Bulletin (Bi Monthly)
    • Biosafety Newsletter (Quarterly)
  • Quick Updates
    • Information on Funding Schemes
    • Technologies Available for Licensing
    • Information on Fellowships & Awards
    • Articles/Reports alerts
    • Other important announcements and developments related to biotech sector
  • Advance notice and privileged participation in events organized by BCIL either free or on discounted rates
  • Free supply of specialized reports being brought out time to time

Management of Conference, Travel, Exhibition and Popular Lecture (CTEP) programme of DBT

BCIL is responsible for overall project management of CTEP.  Under this programme, DBT provides financial assistance towards organizing Conference/ Seminar/ Symposium/ Workshop and Travel support to researchers for presenting their papers in international conferences, organising stalls in exhibitions, organising popular lectures etc. BCIL has recently developed a new web portal i.e. Online Submission and Monitoring System (OSMoSys) which act as a single window for the submission, processing and settlement of grants which not only ease the assistance process but also provide timely deliverables. The new online portal was recently launched by Secretary, DBT in June 2018.